Friday, 8 March 2013

Dia 249 / Day 249 - March 8/2013

Hoy es el ultimo dia en Palolem, vamos a descansar y disfrutar del sol, la playa y el mar.  Cogimos dos asoleadoras del restaurante donde estamos desayunando, almorzando y comiendo y estuvimos ahi casi todo el dia.  Hace muchisimo calor, la temperatura ha batido records en los dos ultimos dias… se suda en la sombra, ni la cervecita fria tiene efecto para el calor y el sudor.  Nos metemos al mar para refrescarnos varias veces, pero inmediatamente se sale uno del agua empieza a sudar otra vez.  No nos estamos quejando pues sabemos que cuando estemos en otro invierno Canadiense a -30C recordaremos estos dias de playa!

En la noche tomamos el tren desde Palolem hacia Mumbai.


Today is our last day in Palolem so we are going to take it easy… we are going to enjoy the sun, beach and sea.  We took a couple of sun beds from the restaurant we have been having breakfast, lunch and dinner at and sat there for most of the day.  The temperature is really high, there have been a couple of high temperature records set in the area for the past few days… just laying down, having a beer and sweating like crazy.  We go in the water once in a while to cool off but once you come out you start sweating almost immediately.  We are not complaining because when we get back to Canada and it is -30C we will remember these hot days; we are just telling it how it is!

In the evening we took an overnight train from Palolem to Mumbai.

Palolem, India

Palolem, India

Palolem, India

La casita donde nos quedamos, Palolem, India
The cabin where we stayed, Palolem, India

La casita donde nos quedamos, Palolem, India
The cabin where we stayed, Palolem, India

Atardecer, Palolem, India
Sunset, Palolem, India

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