Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Dia 281 / Day 281 - April 9/2013

Por la mañana salimos en bus para Bardyia, un Parque Nacional en Nepal.  Cuando nos bajamos del bus en Ambaasa, a 13Km de Bardyia, nos atacaron dos señores ofreciendonos hoteles, pero nosotros ya habiamos seleccionado un hotel y les dijimos que no.  Ellos nos ofrecieron que nos quedaramos en una tienda con ellos esperando el bus que nos llevara a Bardyia, parece que tenemos que esperar casi 3 horas.  Los señores trataron varias maneras de convencernos que nos fueramos para el hotel de ellos pero no nos ofrecieron transporte gratis, entonces rechazamos las ofertas.  Una hora mas tarde llego Jack, el dueño de King Fisher, un hotel en Bardyia.  Jack ofrecio llevarnos gratis a Bardyia con la condicion que vieramos su hotel y si nos gustaba nos quedabamos alli, sino podiamos irnos para donde habiamos seleccionado y no le teniamos que pagar el trasnporte.  Cuando llegamos a King Fisher nos encanto, son casitas individuales hechas de tapia y con un baño gigante.  Decidimos quedarnos en King Fisher.
En la tarde fuimos con Jack, Meline (la esposa de Jack) y una pareja francesa a hacer un safari por los pueblos aledaños.  Estuvimos visitando varios caserios y vimos como vive la gente en la region, ademas vimos como trabajan en el campo.

De regreso nos encontramos con un grupo de elefantes salvajes cruzando la carretera.  Estuvimos viendolos por un momentico pero las hembras se pusieron bravas y no queriamos que nos atacaran.  Cuando cruzaron la carretera se desaparecieron en la selva.

Finalmente estuvimos viendo el atardecer a la orilla del rio cerca al Parque Nacional.


In the morning we took a bus to Bardyia, a National Park in Nepal.  When we arrived in Ambaasa, 13Km away from Bardyia, there were two men offering us accommodation, however we had already selected a place and we told them that we were not interested.  They told us that the bus to Bardyia was going to take some time so we could wait at a restaurant near by.  The two men tried to convince us to go to their hotels in different ways but they were no offering free transportation, we had to pay a lot to get a jeep to go there, so we refused all their offers.  One hour later, Jack from King Fisher showed up in his jeep and offered to take us for free to Bardyia, we just had to take a look at his place and see if we like it we can stay there if not we can go somewhere else.  When we arrived at King Fisher we loved it, it was a very nice and clean place.  The accommodation is in individual bungalows with a huge bathroom, so we decided to stay at King Fisher.

In the afternoon we went with Jack, Meline (Jack’s wife) and a French couple for a village safari.  We visited several small towns and we had the opportunity to see how people live in this rural area.  We also saw how they work on the fields.
Coming back we saw a group of wild elephants corssing the highway.  We were able to see them for a little bit, however the females were getting really loud and aggressive so we had to leave.  They crossed the highway and disappeared in the jungle.

Finally we went to see the sunset by the riverside close to the National Park.

Despidiendonos del dueño del hotel en Mahindranagar, Nepal
Saying goodbay from the hotel's owner in Mahindranagar, Nepal

Estacion del bus, Mahindranagar, Nepal
Bus station, Mahindranagar, Nepal

Estacion del bus, Mahindranagar, Nepal
Bus station, Mahindranagar, Nepal

Estacion del bus, Mahindranagar, Nepal
Bus station, Mahindranagar, Nepal

Bus de Mahindranagar a Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal
Bus from Mahindranagar to Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal

En el camino de Mahindranagar a Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal
On the way from Mahindranagar to Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal

En el camino de Mahindranagar a Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal
On the way from Mahindranagar to Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal

En el camino de Mahindranagar a Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal
On the way from Mahindranagar to Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal

En el camino de Mahindranagar a Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal
On the way from Mahindranagar to Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal

En el camino de Mahindranagar a Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal
On the way from Mahindranagar to Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal

En el camino de Mahindranagar a Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal
On the way from Mahindranagar to Bardyia, Mahindranagar, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Extrayendo lentejas - Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Extracting lentils - Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Extrayendo lentejas - Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Extracting lentils - Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Extrayendo lentejas - Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Extracting lentils - Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Extrayendo lentejas - Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Extracting lentils - Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Haciendo el safari por los pueblos, Bardyia, Nepal
Village safari, Bardyia, Nepal

Elefantes salvajes, Bardyia, Nepal
Wild elephants, Bardyia, Nepal

Elefantes salvajes, Bardyia, Nepal
Wild elephants, Bardyia, Nepal

Elefantes salvajes, Bardyia, Nepal
Wild elephants, Bardyia, Nepal

Elefantes salvajes, Bardyia, Nepal
Wild elephants, Bardyia, Nepal

Elefantes salvajes, Bardyia, Nepal
Wild elephants, Bardyia, Nepal

Elefantes salvajes, Bardyia, Nepal
Wild elephants, Bardyia, Nepal

Atardecer, Bardyia, Nepal
Sunset, Bardyia, Nepal

Atardecer, Bardyia, Nepal
Sunset, Bardyia, Nepal

Atardecer, Bardyia, Nepal
Sunset, Bardyia, Nepal


  1. Que genial los elefantes!!! Me encanta!

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