Friday, 24 May 2013

Dia 326 / Day 326 - May 24/2013

Salimos de Bangkok a las 6:00am rumbo a Koh Tao.  Llegamos a las 12:30pm a Chumphon, el puerto donde cogimos el Catamaran que nos llevo a la isla.  Llegamos a Koh Tao a las 2:30pm.

En el puerto de Koh Tao habian varias personas promocionando sus hoteles pero necesitabamos comer primero asi que les dijimos a todos que no nos interesaba, pero hubo una señora bastante insistente que nos persiguio un rato y decidimos pararle bolas.  Nos ofrecio llevarnos gratis a su hotel para que lo miraramos y decidieramos si nos queriamos quedar alla o no.  Llegamos a Happy Bungalows, un lugar muy agradable, son unas cabañas bastante grandes, con un baño amplio y nevera en cada pieza.  Decidimos quedarnos aqui por una noche o dos y buscar a ver si podemos conseguir algo al frente del mar.

En la tarde estuvimos en la playa y caminando por el pueblo.


We left Bangkok at 6:00am for Koh Tao.  We arrived at 12:30pm in Chumphon, the port where we took the Katamaran that took us to Koh Tao.  We arrived at Koh Tao at 2:30pm.

At the port there were several people offering hotels, however we wanted to eat first so we told them we were not interested.  There was a very persistent lady that followed us and offered to take us to Happy Bungalows for free to see if we liked them, so we accepted.  After lunch we went with her to the place and found a very nice places, several good size cabins, with a large bathroom and friged in every room.  We decided to stay here for a couple of days and see if we can find something in front of the sea.

In the afternoon we went to the beach and walked around town.

Puerto, Chumphon, Tailandia
Port, Chumphon, Thailand

Catamara, Chumphon, Tailandia
Katamaran, Chumphon, Thailand

Catamara, Chumphon, Tailandia
Katamaran, Chumphon, Thailand

Isla Koh Nangyuan, Koh Tao, Tailandia
Koh Nangyuan island, Koh Tao, Thailand

Isla Koh Nangyuan, Koh Tao, Tailandia
Koh Nangyuan island, Koh Tao, Thailand

Koh Tao, Tailandia
Koh Tao, Thailand

En la playa, Koh Tao, Tailandia
On the beach, Koh Tao, Thailand

En la playa, Koh Tao, Tailandia
On the beach, Koh Tao, Thailand

En la playa, Koh Tao, Tailandia
On the beach, Koh Tao, Thailand

1 comment:

  1. Que fotos tan lindas, que lugar tan espectacular!!Y Carlos sigue tomando mejores encantan
    La mama



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