Vamos para Nusa Lembongan,
una isla al frente de Bali, asi que debemos ir a Padang Bay para coger el ferry
que nos lleve.
El 25 de Abril empezo con un
reto. Me voy a tratar de llevar el
punto de coger un bus de servicio publico en Bali. Le hemos preguntado a casi todo el mundo en el pueblo pero
parece que todos esta amangualados para no decir nada y mantener el secreto mejor
guardado en Bali; siempre nos mandan para los que ofrecen servicio
privado. Las opciones son: el
famoso conductor privado o “genio local” como se les llama en Ubud en todas las
pancartas donde piden prohibir UBER o GRAB; pero el costo es de IDR400,000
(USD32). La otra opcion es un
minibus organizado por una de las empresas locales, el costo es de IDR150,000
por persona, asi que serian IDR300,000 por los dos (USD24).
Salimos del hotel un par de
horas antes de que salga el minibus privado, asi tenemos plan B en caso que no
podamos coger el Beemo (bus local).
Esperamos pacientemente en la acera y pasaron varios ofreciendo
transporte… por supuesto conductores privados pidiendo la modica suma de
IDR400,000 y sin querer hacer ningun descuento. Finalmente vimos un pequeño colectivo de color rojo. El señor paro y nos pregunto para donde
ibamos, le dijimos que Padang Bay y le preguntamos que cuanto cobraba… para
nuestra sorpresa pidio IDR300,000 por los dos. No llevaba ni un pasajero y queria hacer lo de una semana en
un solo viaje con nosotros. Por
supuesto tratamos de negociar en IDR150,000 pero el no bajo de precio asi que
le dijimos que muchas gracias y se fue.
Después paramos otro y este
conchudo pidio IDR400,000… despues de negociar se bajo a IDR300,000 pero no
mas. Tengo que decir que este
tenia un pasajero traduciendo asi que no se cuanto queria la traductora por sus
En este momento ya estabamos
que tirabamos la toalla… bueno, Marcela la habia tirado desde que salimos del
Como nos pudimos dar cuenta,
el Beemo es bastante frecuente.
Varios de ellos pasaron y pararon pero el precio era mas o menos el
mismo sin bajar de IDR300,000 y ya que son lentos, incomodos y sin aire
acondicionado era mejor tomar el minibus privado por la misma plata.
Ya nos habiamos montado las
mochilas al hombro e ibamos caminando hacia la parada del minibus privado
cuando paso otro Beemo y paro a preguntarnos para donde ibamos… le respondi que
para Padang Bay. Nos pidio adivinen
cuanto… IDR300,000; o ya estaba cansado de oir el mismo precio asi que le
ofreci IDR100,000 (USD8) por los dos y me empece a alejar. Ya me habia entrado la frustracion
porque sabia que nos pedian alto por ser turistas y para proteger los “genios
locales”. Una parte de mi ya habia
desistido de la idea del transporte publico en Bali. El conductor del Beemo nos grito diciendo “okay”. Yo ya estaba un par de metros lejos del
colectivo asi que me devolvi a verificar que fueran IDR100,000 (USD8) por los
dos y me dijo que si. Montamos las
mochilas e iniciamos el recorrido a Padang Bay. El camino estuvo entretenido, no mucha gente se monto al
Beemo ya que el habia hecho suficiente plata en el dia con nosotros.
En la mitad del camino nos
transfirieron a otro Beemo que nos lleva hasta Padang Bay. Cuando paramos en la bomba de gasolina
le pregunte a un señor local que iba en el Beemo con nosotros cuanto habia
pagado y me dijo que nos habian cobrado “pecio de locales” porque el habia
pagado IDR55,000 pero habia tomado el Beemo antes que nosotros. Nos dijo que habiamos negociado muy
bien con el conductor. Cuando
llegamos a Padang Bay y le pagamos al conductor Marcela se sorprendio que hubiera
sido lo acordado y me dio punto a mi… asi que vamos 1-0 contra los Beemo en
Bali. Creo que mi determinacion
cobro frutos, no mucho en lo monetario (bueno, hubieramos pagado 4 veces mas si
hubieramos tomado el conductor privado o 3 veces mas con el minibus) pero hacer
ver que si hay servicio publico en Bali y es accesible para los turistas.
Llegamos a Padang Bay a las
10:30am y compramos el tiquete para el ferry que esta programado para salir a
la 1:00pm; sin embargo como todo ferry en Indonesia nunca se sabe. No nos montamos al ferry hast alas 4:30pm. Cuando estabamos a bordo nos dimos cuenta
que iba para Nusa Penida, en vez de Nusa Lembongan (no salen ferry desde Padang
Bay a Nusa Lembongan)… asi que hubo un pequeño cambio de planes,
afortunadamente no habiamos reservado hotel en Nusa Lembongan pero tenemos que
encontrar algo en Nusa Penida para pasar la noche. Nos tomo un poco mas de una hora en llegar a Nusa Penida,
del puerto caminamos al hotel The Mel Homestay, nos registramos y comimos.
Como no veniamos para Nusa
Penida no sabiamos mucho a cerca de la isla, pero Kadek, el dueño del hotel The
Mel Homestay nos dijo de varios lugares que podiamos visitar. Nos ofrecio alquilarnos motos pero no
nos sentimos comodos manejando moto en una isla que no conocemos, pero
queriamos ver esos lugares de los cuales el nos habia mostrado unas fotos muy
bonitas. La otra opcion que nos
ofrecio fue, porsupuesto, un conductor privado. Negociamos el precio por medio dia y salimos a eso de las
El primer lugar que
visitamos fue el templo Giri Putri. Después fuimos a Bana Cliff, unos acantilados muy bonitos en la parte
sur de la isla. Despues fuimos a la
playa Kelingking Beach. Despues
fuimos a Angel’s Billabong y el Pasih Uwug o Broken Beach. La ultima parada fue en la playa de Crystal
Bay viendo el atardecer.
We are heading to Nusa Lembongan,
so we need to head over to Padang Bay to catch the ferry to take us across.
April 25 started with a
challenge. I am determined to
crack down on the public transport in Bali. We had been asking around but nobody says anything about it,
everybody refers us to the private transport (remember I said it is the best
kept secret in the island… well, it seems to be until now). The options are: the famous private
driver or “local genius” like they call them in Ubud on all the signs forbidding
UBER and GRAB from operating; but it will cost IDR400,000 (USD32). The other option is to get a minibus
organized by one of the local companies, this will cost IDR150,000 per person,
so a total of IDR300,000 for the two of us (USD24).
We got out of the guesthouse
a couple of hours before the minibus goes by so we had a plan B if we could not
get the Beemo. We waited patiently
by the side of the road and got several people offering to take us… of course
private drivers wanting IDR400,000 and not discounting a single penny. We finally saw what seemed a small run
down minibus, red in colour. He
stopped and asked us where we were going to, so we said Padang Bay and asked
how much… to our surprise he said $300,000 for both of us. He was empty, he had not passangers so
he wanted to make what he could potentially make in a week in just one trip. Of course we tried to negotiate at
IDR150,000 but he would not go down form his price. We said “no thank you” and he left.
We then stopped another one
and he asked for IDR400,000… after negotiating he came down to IDR300,000 but
no more than that. I have to say
that this one had a passanger translating so I am wondering how much the
translator wanted for her services.
At this stage we were ready
to give up… well, Marcela had already given up even before we started. I was determined!
As we found out, the Beemo is
quite frequent. Several of them stopped
but the price was about the same without going down IDR300,000 and since they
are slow, uncomfortable and do not have air conditioned we were going to take
the minibus from the private company.
We had already carried our
backpacks and were walking to the minibus stop area where another Beemo stopped
and asked us where we were going… I responded Padang Bay. He asked for the surprising amount of
IDR300,000; at this stage I was tired of hearing that number so I offered
IDR100,000 (USD8) for both of us and started walking away. I was frustrated because I knew they
asked that much because we were tourists and to protect the “local
genius”. Half of me had already
given up on the idea of public transport in Bali. He yelled at us saying “okay”. I was a couple of meters already away from the Beemo so I
came back to verify that it was IDR100,000 (USD8) for both of us and he said
“yes”. We loaded our backpacks and
off we were to Pandang Bay. The
trip was entertaining, not too many people boarded the Bemo as he had already
made enough money for the day.
Half way we were transferred
to another Beemo that will take us the rest of the way to Pandang Bay. Once we stopped to fill up I asked a
local guy that was in the Beemo with us how much he paid and he said we got
“local’s price” because he paid only IDR55,000 but had boarded the Beemo earlier
than us. He told us that we
negotiated good with the driver.
When we got to Padang Bay and paid the driver Marcela was surprised that
it was what we agreed and gave me a 1-0 score against the Bemo in Bali. I guess my determination paid off, not
much monetarily (well, we would have paid 4 times more with the private driver
or 3 times more with the minibus) but to crack down the code on public
transport in Bali.
We got to Padang Bay at
10:30am and got the ticket for the only ferry, which is scheduled to leave at
1:00pm; however like every ferry in Indonesia, it is unknown. We did not board the ferry until
4:30pm. Once on the boat we found
out that it was not going to Nusa Lembongan but to Nusa Penida… a slight change
of plans, I am glad we had not booked a hotel in Nusa Lebongan yet. It took just over 1 hour to get to Nusa
Penida, from the dock we walked to The Mel Homestay, checked in and had dinner.
As we were not coming to
Nusa Penida we did not much about the island so Kadek, the owner of The Mel
Homestay told us about a few places we can visit around the island. He offered motorbikes for rent but we
did not feel comfortable driving them around the island, however the pictures
he showed us were very nice so we wanted to see those places. The other option he offered us was, of
course, a private driver. We
negotiated the price for half a day and left around 12:30pm.
The first place we visited
was Giri Putri temple. We then headed
to Bana Cliff, beautiful cliffs on the south part of the island. We then headed to Kelingking Beach. We then headed to Angel’s Billabong and
Pasih Uwug or Broken Beach. The
last stop was Crystal Bay to see the sunset.
Collectivo Beemo de Tulamben a Padang Bay, Bali, Indonesia
Beam from Tulamben to Padang Bay, Bali, Indonesia
Collectivo Beemo de Tulamben a Padang Bay, Bali, Indonesia
Beam from Tulamben to Padang Bay, Bali, Indonesia
Esperando el Ferry de Padang Bay a Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia
Waiting for the Ferry from Padang Bay to Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia
Ferry para la Isla Gilli, Bali, Indonesia
Ferry for Gilli Island, Bali, Indonesia
Ferry de Padang Bay a Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia
Ferry from Padang Bay to Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia
Vista de Bali desde el Ferry, Bali, Indonesia
View of Bali from the Ferry, Bali, Indonesia
Vista del Monte Agung desde el Ferry, Bali, Indonesia
View of Mount Agung from the Ferry, Bali, Indonesia
Templo Giri Putri, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Giri Putri Temple, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Templo Giri Putri, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Giri Putri Temple, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Templo Giri Putri, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Giri Putri Temple, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Templo Giri Putri, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Giri Putri Temple, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Templo Giri Putri, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Giri Putri Temple, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Acantilado Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Acantilado Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Acantilado Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Acantilado Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Acantilado Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Acantilado Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Bana Cliffs, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Kelingking, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Kelingking, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Angel's Billabong, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Pasih Uwug o Broken Beach, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Pasih Uwung or Broken Beach, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Pasih Uwug o Broken Beach, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Pasih Uwung or Broken Beach, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Playa Crystal Bay, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Crystal Beach, Nusa Penida, Indonesia
Buena esa!!! haber logrado el transporte a un precio justo....el que persevera alcanza. Lindos los acantilados y bueno por fuerza mayor tuvieron que conocer otro lugar no programado, pero por las fotos se ve que valió la pena.