Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Noviembre 22 / November 22

Hoy subimos por toda la costa oeste de Nueva Zelanda, pasando por los glaciares Franz Josef y Fox.


Today we went up the West Coast of New Zealand, going through the glaciers Franz Josef and Fox.

Costa Oeste, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
West Coast, New Zealand

Costa Oeste, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
West Coast, New Zealand

Costa Oeste, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
West Coast, New Zealand

Costa Oeste, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
West Coast, New Zealand

Glaciar Fox, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
Fox Glacier, West Coast, New Zealand

Glaciar Fox, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
Fox Glacier, West Coast, New Zealand

Glaciar Fox, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
Fox Glacier, West Coast, New Zealand

Glaciar Fox, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
Fox Glacier, West Coast, New Zealand

Glaciar Franz Josef, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
Franz Josef Glacier, West Coast, New Zealand

Marcela en el Glaciar Franz Josef, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
Marcela at Franz Josef Glacier, West Coast, New Zealand

Agustin en el Glaciar Franz Josef, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
Agustin at Franz Josef Glacier, West Coast, New Zealand

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