Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Dia 170 / Day 170 - December 19/2012

Hoy fuimos a conocer el centro de Izmir, estuvimos caminando por el bazaar, estuvimos visitanto la torre del reloj y la Mezquita.  El bazaar es como estar en el hueco de Medellin, congestionado, los vendedores gritan algo o lo quieren llevar a uno a otros almacenes que quedan en unos recovecos.  Todos hablan el idioma que quiera, ingles, italiano, frances, turco, etc… decidimos que era mejor hacernos los locos y pretender que hablabamos español a ver si no nos ofrecian tanto, pero usaban el italiano y por ahi se metian.  Es todo un circo!


Today we went for a walk around downtown Izmir, we went to the bazaar, we visited the clock tower and the mosque.  The bazaar is full of people, the sales persons are yealling the prices and giving information in every possible language they might think you speak.  They also try to take you to other stores that are not so visible from the outside.  We pretended we did not speak English, just Spanish but they talked to us in Italian and they made themselves understand.  It is very entertaining!

Tienda de condimentos, Izmir, Turquia
Spices store, Izmir, Turkey

Bazaar, Izmir, Turquia
Bazaar, Izmir, Turkey

Torre del reloj, Izmir, Turquia
Clock tower, Izmir, Turkey

Comida tipica - Izkender, Izmir, Turquia
Traditional food - Izkender, Izmir, Turkey

Bazaar, Izmir, Turquia
Bazaar, Izmir, Turkey


  1. If you guys are impressed with Izmir, wait until you get to Istanbul! You're going to love it!

  2. Que rico esos almacenes, me los saboreoooooo, que locura, pero que dicha
    La mamá



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