Saturday, 18 August 2012

Dia 47 / Day 47 - August 18/2012

Manejamos atravez del Parque Nacional the Trossachs hasta Inverness. Pasamos por Fort William y Fort August. La manajada es atravez de las montañas Escocesas, que hermosura de manejada. Las montañas, los lagos, las vacas de pelo largo, los rios……

Almorzamos al lado del lago Linnhe, cerca a Fort William, y la comida fue al frente del mar del Norte, en el camping en un pueblito que se llama Fortrose… no hay nada major que esto!

Durante el dia visitamos el castillo de Inverlochy y el de Urquhart

Cuando llegamos al camping nos dimos cuenta de que podiamos ver bottlenose delfines desde la playa muy cerca del camping. Se pueden ver desde Marzo hasta Septiempbre, 2 horas despues de que cambia la marea. Corrimos a verlos y como a las 9:00pm llegaron, como un show planeado y que super show. Cuando se estaba escondiendo el sol, 6 u 8 delfines vineron a comer muy cerca de la orrilla!


We drove all the way from the Trossachs National Park to Inverness.  We passed by Fort William and Fort Augustus.  We also crossed the Scottish Highlands, what a beautiful drive.  The mountains, the lochs (also known in Canadian English as lake), the sheep, the highland cows with their long hair, the rivers……

We had lunch by the lake close to Fort William overseeing Loch Linnhe, beautiful view and we had dinner in the campground near Fortrose overseeing the North Sea……it does not get any better than that!

During the day we visited Invelochy Castle and Urquhart Castle.

When we got to the campground we found out that we were just a short walk from a prime area to see bottlenose dolphins, they can be seen from March to September every day around 2 hours after tide changes from low to high.  We ran to see them tonight, it was about 9:00 and they were right there, like a schedule show, and what a show they put up for us.  Just after sunset around 6 to 8 dolphins came to eat.

Land Rovers

Killin, Escocia
Killin, Scotland

Cascadas en Killin, Escocia
Waterfalls in Killin, Scotland

Cascadas en Killin, Escocia
Waterfalls in Killin, Scotland

Molino en Killin, Escocia
Killin watermill, Scotland

Vaca de pelo largo de Escocia
Long hair cow from Scotland

En las montañas de Escocia
In Scotland Highlands

Montañas de Escocia
Scotland Highlands

En las montañas de Escocia
In Scotland Highlands

Lago Linnhe, cerca a Fort William en Escocia
Linnhe Lock, close to Fort William in Scotland

Implementos de cocina
Kitchen utensils


Castillo de Inverlochy
Inverlochy Castle

Castillo Urquhart
Urquhart Castle

Castillo Urquhart
Urquhart Castle

Castillo Urquhart
Urquhart Castle

Castillo Urquhart
Urquhart Castle

Castillo Urquhart
Urquhart Castle

Castillo Urquhart
Urquhart Castle

Fortrose y el mar del norte
Fortrose and the North Sea


Delfines en Fortrose
Dolphins in Fortrose

Delfines en Fortrose
Dolphins in Fortrose

Delfines en Fortrose
Dolphins in Fortrose

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