Thursday, 5 July 2012

Dia 3 / Day 3 - July 5/2012

Decidimos que con el calor y las limitaciones de dinero lo mejor era tusar a Carlos......y si Marcela se descuida tambien le toca tusada.......asi que sacamos la maquina y adios pelo.  Que opinan del nuevo look?

With the extreme heat and money limitations we decided that the best was to cut Carlos' hair real short.....and we might end up doing the same with Marcela's we got the machine and bye bye hair.
What do you think of the new look?

Todavia recuperandonos del descuadre horario, decidimos caminar por el barrio del hotel, almorzar y tomarnos unas cervezas.

Still recovering from the jet lag, we decided to go for a walk around the hotel, have lunch and have a couple of beers.

Regresamos temprano al hotel (del cual teniamos una vista a un patio interior y una fuente) y preparamos una comida gourmet con ingredientes locales.

We got back to the hotel (from which we had a view of an internal patio and water fountain) and we prepared a gourmet dinner made with local ingredients.

Vista desde la ventana del hotel
View from the hotel window


  1. Carlos looks great with the short haircut!

    You guys take care!


  2. Se ve deli la comida gourmet! Carlos te quitaste unos aƱitos de encima.. Marce no te tuces q a vos no te gusta... Un abrazote!



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